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Анри Руссо The Artist Painting his Wife
Анри Руссо The Banks of the Oise
Анри Руссо The girl with a doll
Анри Руссо The Hungry Lion Throws Itself on the Antelope
Анри Руссо the Mill at Alfor
Анри Руссо The wedding party
Анри Руссо Woman Walking in an Exotic Forest
Анри Руссо Landscape with Factory
Анри Руссо Liberty Inviting Artists to Take Part in the 22nd Exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists
Анри Руссо View of the Banks of the Oise
21.5.1844 - 2.9.1910
картин на сайте: 121
Стиль: Примитивизм
Страна: Франция