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Анри Руссо Promeneurs dans un Parc
Анри Руссо Rabbit
Анри Руссо The Fishermen and the Biplane
Анри Руссо The Football players
Анри Руссо Tropical Forest: Battling Tiger and Buffalo
Анри Руссо View of the Bridge at Sevres and the Hills at Clamart St. Cloud and Bellevue
Анри Руссо Village near a Factory
Анри Руссо Bouquet of Flowers
Анри Руссо Bouquet of Flowers with an Ivy Branch
Анри Руссо Landscape on the Banks of the Bievre at Becetre
21.5.1844 - 2.9.1910
картин на сайте: 121
Стиль: Примитивизм
Страна: Франция